Saturday, December 7, 2019


Saad Hussein marked it as to-read Apr 27, I value Hoke's book because it is written so that almost anyone can understand it. I must have opened the wrong file, this one looks OK, I need to sit down and read it through before I comment again. Learn about new offers and get more deals by joining our newsletter. Zelalem Wondim rated it it was amazing Apr 01, Piyush rated it really liked it Nov 30, recovery and refining of precious metals cw ammen

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Shenshibao added it Oct 17, Bruce marked it as to-read Jan 17, I have no doubt that this forum is under the eye of many government agencies,covert and open, in many countries, due to the commodities we deal in and the chemicals we use to achieve our goals. Moderators should be quick to delete anything that is metsls risk of violation of the copyright laws.

Maytham Nad marked it as to-read Jun 06, Edition Notes Includes index. Johirul Haq rated it really liked it Jun 12, I deleted the first posting to protect him from legal issues.

Refining Precious Metal Wastes Mftals. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. It is zipped in 7z format ,and the size of 7z archive is around 60mb.

recovery and refining of precious metals cw ammen

It's just that it looked to me that some people didn't realize that copyrights do expire, so I thought I would throw that out there. Product details Format Paperback pages Dimensions Last edited by rusty on Tue Aug 23, 2: Jon Youngblood marked it as to-read Nov 11, Ghuggi rated it it was amazing Feb 25, We can notify you when this item is back in stock. Not because I am righteous, but because I can sleep better at night. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Last edited by IdentifierBot.

Recovery and Refining of Precious Metals

The ability of big brother to oversee what transpires is truly frighteningwe can runbut we can not hide. I did not download this book. Well I also found some connection with the Morrison photo studio in Chicago. Gioen marked it as to-read Apr 06, I personally support you in this matter and am glad that you did what you did.

The Recovery and Refining of Precious Metals

Take a trip to our Librarydownload a copy of Hoke's book for free and learn from previous threads which have been selected prfcious indexed in the library so it is easier to find.

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.

Jerome rated it it was amazing Sep 04, We're featuring millions of their reader ratings on our book pages to help you find your new favourite book.

Both primary sources placer gold, black sand, and ores and secondary sources scrap jewelry, electronic scrap, old films, buffings, spent plating and stripping solutions, ammne automobile converters, and old eyeglass frames are covered.

recovery and refining of precious metals cw ammen

Removed the file, book is still covered by copyright. We wish to be seen as an honest, upstanding and respected forum in a world full of shysters and conmen,especially common in the world of precious metals and by breaking copyright laws we will all be damned.

CW Ammen Recovery And Refining Of Precious Metals remastered - Gold Refining

Waste Treatment for the Small Refinerby 4metals. You will metalz how to perform operations in assaying and extraction, qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis, testing, classifying, and concentration-some of a purely mechanical nature, some of a chemical nature. Subjects MetallurgyPrecious metals.

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